I am a Mental Toughness practitioner and coach. This means I help people understand themselves better so they appreciate their mental toughness and mental sensitivity.
Mental toughness is about how effectively individuals deal with stress, pressure and challenge. It describes the mind-set that every person adopts in everything they do and is closely related to qualities such as character, resilience and grit. I can measure these qualities by using a psychometric instrument as I am an accredited partner of AQR International.
AQR International have an online tool called the MTQ Plus which I use with clients and which takes about 20 minutes to complete.
The MTQ Plus assessment is a unique, research-backed and proven 74-item high-quality psychometric measure of Mental Toughness.
The mental toughness measure output is a suite of three reports, two for the client around their assessment and development and a third specifically aimed at their coach. The assessment is usually completed using an online portal, although if necessary can be completed on paper and then input.
There are also easi-read versions of the assessment, including a version suitable for school students .
Most psychometrics focus on the measurement of behaviours (how we act) and attributes (how we feel) – the MTQ Plus looks at how we think, which is a key driver for the development of behaviour and attributes.
Research carried out under the direction of Professor Peter Clough has identified the four key components of Mental Toughness. These are called the 4 Cs – Control, Commitment, Challenge and Confidence.
Published research and case studies from around the world show that Mental Toughness is a major factor in:
My company, Insight Leadership Solutions, is an accredited partner with AQR International and is licensed to provide this assessment as part of our services to improve personal and team performance.
The measure can be set up to provide team profile reporting as well as showing distance travelled after completion of the intervention.
The MTQ Plus assessment measures mind set on 8 scales: the four C’s and two additional subscales for each, as shown in the diagram below.
This provides a STen score and narrative for each scale and sub-scale as well as an overall mental toughness score. The report also contains suggestions for development activity.
(Standard Tens or STen scores go from 1 to 10. A score of 1-3 indicates well below average; 4 is low average; 5-6 is average; 7 is high average; and 8-10 indicates well above average.)
The outputs from the completion of the questionnaire enable me, as your coach, to quickly pinpoint your areas of strength and areas for improvement. Together with knowledge of the demands of your life and work and of your career aspirations, this helps to quickly construct a coaching package to help you achieve your life and career outcomes.
Knowledge of, and insight into, your mental toughness and mental sensitivity help improve your effectiveness and personal well-being.
Insight Leadership Solutions: Developing leaders and improving businesses by building confidence and developing mental toughness in North Wales, Mid-Wales, Shropshire, Cheshire, Wirral, Manchester, Liverpool.
LL14 5BX
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