Business Improvement Services Consultancy

Insight Leadership: Business Improvement Services

How to improve the productivity of a business or service

The focus of my work here is to ensure that your administrative systems and processes are working as required to make your business efficient.

An improvement intervention will consider what the established systems of work are trying to achieve and, where necessary, work with your staff to help them craft a more efficient way of working to meet company objectives.

Why organisations & businesses should understand failure demand

Quite often within many systems of work, especially when they’re customer focussed, valueless work is discovered – sometimes labelled as failure demand.

But processes and systems need to be focused on value work, because that means company time and resources are used appropriately. Failure demand work is using up resources and failing to add any value, despite the resources being used.

Failure demand on a company’s resources often go undetected, as people get used to working a certain way and staff don’t always feel empowered to question things. Bringing in someone with knowledge of systems and expert people skills can help motivate and mobilise your team by providing some team building opportunities to design a common goal and enable company objectives to be achieved.

If you think your systems of work may be holding you back rather than pushing you forward, get in touch for a chat and let’s see how I can help you move your business forward.

Further reading: blog posts about business improvement:

In measuring success are we actually measuring failure?